Primary School Presentations

This presentation targets Year 5 and Year 6 students, helping them on the journey to find their passion, and take the first steps towards reaching their goals no matter how big or small.

Topics covered in this presentation include:

  • Being fearlessencouraging students to not be afraid of failure. Being brave, taking chances and having the confidence to be different. 

  • Having fun and working hardunderstanding the traits of hard work and discipline, and why they don’t need to limit fun and enjoyment.

  • Preparing for new challenges – new friendship groups, teachers and opportunities that lay ahead in high school, and learning how to deal with these future challenges in a positive manner.

  • Finding a balance making the appropriate time for school, physical activity, creative and social activities. 

  • Connection to learninglistening to the important people in the student’s environment for advice and guidance. The role of teachers, family, parents and coaches.


High School Presentations

