High School Presentations

This presentation targets Year 11 and Year 12 students, and focuses on their upcoming transition out of school and into the world.

Topics covered in this presentation include:

  • Finding comfort in the unknownfocusing on ‘who you want to be’, rather than ‘what you want to do’ as you prepare for life after school.

  • Developing a sense of meaning and purpose – encouraging students to seek out and chase what they are passionate about, and deriving a sense of purpose from this passion.

  • Promoting strong character traits – creating successful habits in all facets of life. Having fun and seeking enjoyment, whilst working hard, maintaining integrity, and taking pride in their own performance.

  • Being brave – striving towards meaningful goals, and setting high expectations regardless of what others are doing.

  • Creating balance – determining the right balance for each individual, and understanding that changes may be needed in order to propel towards their goals.

  • Time management and goal setting – setting tangible, written goals and creating structured plans around them.


Primary School Presentations